During her childhood, Mehrnoush and her siblings lived a luxurious and carefree life, and her family’s happiness was complete with the departure of the Shah, against whom her parents had fought. However, subsequent political transformations and the recruitment of children in the Iran-Iraq war prompted her parents to flee Iran. To protect their children.
In 1986, a radioactive leak occurred at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, causing the neighboring city of Paribat to turn into a ghost town abandoned by its people. However, this event, which sparked international concern and popular solidarity around the world, was only passing news on television.
During her childhood, Mehrnoush and her siblings lived a luxurious and carefree life, and her family’s happiness was complete with the departure of the Shah, against whom her parents had fought. However, subsequent political transformations and the recruitment of children in the Iran-Iraq war prompted her parents to flee Iran. To protect their children.
In 1986, a radioactive leak disaster occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, causing the neighboring city of Paribat to turn into a ghost town abandoned by its people. But this event, which sparked international concern and popular solidarity around the world, was only passing news on television for the little girl, Mehrnoush. She and her family had immediately found their new home after their bitter refugee journey.
Nearly thirty years later, Mehrnoush tells her story, juxtaposing the two most important events of her childhood: public anxiety over the nuclear disaster that caused thousands to lose their homeland, and the epic journey her family went through: escaping from Isfahan, periods of despair in Turkey, and getting lost in East Germany, until... Their arrival to their new home in West Germany; A new window on life opened for her, as if millions of colorful butterflies had entered through it.
As for Mehrnoush, the child, who and her family had immediately obtained their new home after a bitter refugee journey.
Nearly thirty years later, Mehrnoush tells her story, juxtaposing the two most important events of her childhood: public anxiety over the nuclear disaster that caused thousands to lose their homeland, and the epic journey her family went through: escaping from Isfahan, periods of despair in Turkey, and getting lost in East Germany, until... Their arrival to their new home in West Germany; A new window on life opened for her, as if millions of colorful butterflies had entered through it
يصل عدد أتباع الأديان الإبراهيمية الثلاثة (اليهودية والمسيحية والإسلام) بالإضافة للصابئة إلى أكثر من نصف سكان العالم، وهذه الأديان قد قررت مكانة نبي الله إبراهيم الخليل عليه السلام، واعتبرته أبا الأنبياء؛ فهو من أوائل الذين أُرسلوا برسالة التوحيد؛ ليَهْدوا البشر لعبادة إله واحد شرَع لهم ما لو أخذوا به لاستقامت حَيَواتُهم. وعلى الرغم من أن المصريين القدماء قد عرفوا نوعًا من التوحيد؛ هو توحيد آلهتهم في إله واحد رمزوا له بقرص الشمس، إلا أن ذلك التوحيد كان اجتهاديًّا، وليس بتوحيد يقوم على رسالة من السماء. والمتتبع لسيرة أبي الأنبياء إبراهيم سيجد الكثير من النصوص المقدسة التي أشارت لمكانته، وحكت قصة دعوته لقومه، فنَجِد ذِكْرَه في التوراة والإنجيل والقرآن العظيم. والكتاب التالي يقدم دراسة شاملة عن رؤية أهل الأديان السماوية لخليل الرحمن إبراهيم
Live your life moment by moment with all its details and enjoy it.. and give it time.. and never rush so as not to regret it.. life is short.. and if time passes, it will never return and will not be repeated..
كتاب تصرفي كسيدة وفكري كرجل، للكاتب العالمي العظيم ستيف هارفي، يحمل عنوان الكتاب في طياته معاني كثيرة، ومن أكثر المعاني التي تصل إلى عقول القراء أن المرأة ...