An illustrated story that embodies an expedition to one of the eras of our venerable history, ridden by a Muslim hero who encounters a younger girl in...
In the wake of the Mongol destruction of the capital, Baghdad, in 1258, with their combined resolve, they begin a journey to preserve the glimmer of the history of knowledge.
About the book
Tyrant's collection is my first published work that includes multiple poems, most of which are emotional poems.
The collection consists of 24 poems, which are as follows:
• Oh my killer
• Closer than around the corner
• Do not take it
• Dimple
• When you are present
• My paths are burdened with distance
• Ground
• The wasteland of remoteness
• Arabic
• A letter about my silence split
• Wait, wait
• My ultimate wish
• Sloppy letters
• Don't worry
• Covenants
• My apologies
• The mother was killed
• Tyrannical
• My one and only love
• Really give up
• Storm
• Love brings calamity
• Crazy jealousy
• Bored
Anticipating the future for the leadership and sustainability of state institutions
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The book covers...
Anticipating the future for the leadership and sustainability of state institutions in all their aspects in an easy way through four chapters, which deals with the concept of future orientalism, its emergence, and the reasons and reasons that led to its emergence. It also deals with talking about strategic planning and the difficulties and problems facing governments at all stages. It also deals with talking about the future government of a state. United Arab Emirates and Vision 2021
A satirical social book that deals with the psychological challenge of a very simple and very ambitious character searching for her lost self, stuck between her repetitive routine and the remnants of the past and the chaos of feelings. The character begins the search journey from the bottom of her house, and tries hard to reach the truth about herself while searching in her own circle, only to collide with her reality and the episode. The hollowness and that life is deeper than we think, and much more beautiful than living it with a repetitive routine that everyone complains about, including you.
You may laugh, because you will remember yourself in many situations, and you may also cry when you realize that you wasted a lot of time and perhaps money searching for a meaning that sums up your day and the true meaning of yourself. The time that was exhausted will not return, and today’s goals may differ tomorrow, so I have put together for you, dear reader Here, in short, are very simple situations, and I hope you like the way it is presented. What is beautiful about this humble content is its beginning. Everyone’s beginning is the same and you are the one who will decide what you will do later with your urgent and demanding self after the initial applications presented in this work.
I found it, and you will find it too, so do not rush or delay, take enough time to search and do not forget to start, start and do not give up, and I ask you not to fall into the trap of feeling like a failure and repeating the same mistakes that others have made. If you are not successful, then your first, second, and third possibility. It will happen sooner or later, just like the law of probability says.
I chose Inspired because I really want to inspire someone one day. This journey is everyone’s journey, and many are those who have not reached their true selves because they did not listen to that little voice inside them, and did not have the courage to search or express themselves with absolute transparency, so I believe It is a personal, human and national duty that we all rise up ourselves first, so that society rises.
Summary of the novel:
I used to think that a person denies his mistakes in front of everyone, and admits them when he is alone!
You do not know all this, and I can return to you without telling you anything so that we can continue what we started
Together, but if I return to you without telling you what happened, I will not be worthy of you.
Even if I told you and apologized to you and you accepted my apology, I would not be worthy of your forgiveness!
This is how I decided to leave you. I changed my phone number and tried to forget everything that happened between us
In the past, I tried hard to forget that I met you, and what a difficult attempt it was!
I traveled far to complete the journey of oblivion. I spent long days alone outside.
My color turned pale and darkness fell under my eyes. I could not find relief or feel it at all.
I looked ten years older than my age!
I lived far from you and I was torn apart, the feeling of remorse still takes over my heart and sleep
He still leaves me!
After many months, I decided to return to my home. I realized that there was no longer any point in
Run away.
I came back knowing that you had continued your life away from me, but on the contrary, I decided to...
I live on what remains of my memories with you.
I preferred to live by it and write it down so that it would not be lost and vanished!
I just wanted to write about you and for you. Whenever I found something I wanted to write, it was for you.
My only refuge from the harshness of life is away from you!
About the book:
In this book, there are flashes of life that help you take a minute with yourself and see if you still insist on what you are and consider correct?! Or will you stand up and put an end to some of them and take the right path with greater strength, determination and will?!
We change, our ages increase, our features undergo age changes, and even our ideas change with time and differ, or may even change completely and be undermined by ideas that contradict them.
In this book, I put some of my opinions and thoughts at a certain time, and I do not know what might come out of them in the future.
I made it under the name (Ala Wadh al-Naqa) from the clarity of purity, which is a popular Bedouin word that means that the matter be honest and pure, with no shade on it, just like what I am trying to present without falsification or embellishment, at least from my point of view.
Tall Nawi
Book summary
Hearts need consolation, perhaps they will be comforted by the wound of the relative who owned them. When the pleasure of the liver rebels, and souls lack their complement, expressive words die and memory disappears, searching for no other refuge. The book includes thoughts that tell clips of stories overcome by sadness and pain, dealing with hearts that were shattered and in need of consolation and advice. .... Each thought describes a section of not-so-short stories, in which it tells the conversation of the soul to the soul, and narrates mixed happiness and pain, broken hearts, and inner discourses, which arouse controversy in the soul, and require healing answers for the tormented soul..... The characters speak with the language of the days, complaining. Bitterness befell her, and she taught a life lesson: there is no permanent happiness, no love lasts, and no trust is given to the unknown.
Long hours are the most miserable and exhausting of the souls of many. That distance that intensifies longing and steals sleep from the eyes. It is the distance that everyone abhors and only the hardened of hearts can enjoy.
Trees that stand for birds:
A collection of stories by Emirati writer Obaid Ibrahim Bu Melha. The stories revolve between surreal and absurd sarcasm, human conflict, and the mixing of concepts and ideas with chaos, to discuss the concept of literature and writing, the meaning of life, and the struggle between good and evil in the human soul.
About the book
The book is divided into six chapters. The first chapter talks about the religious reform movement in Europe and the emergence of the United States of America and its role in serving Zionism in Palestine and transferring its project from the settlement stage to the state stage. It examines the roots of the relationship between America and Israel and the religious dimension, which is the basis of the strength and durability of American relations. Israeli
In the second chapter, the book talks about the October War - the year 1973 AD - which ended with the victory of the Arabs (and the destruction of the myth of the invincible Israeli army) constituted a turning point that transferred the Arab-Israeli conflict into a third world war, and made the Arab-Israeli conflict turn into a conflict of existence that is not For Israel and even the existence of the entire Arab nation, it also opened the door to reviving old ideas calling for the division and fragmentation of the Arab region, and opened the appetite of writers and thinkers to compete to present visions on this matter, such as Bernard Lewis.
The third chapter examines changing the position of the Arab/Israeli conflict from a priority to a secondary conflict, by working on the multiplicity of conflicts in the region and playing the sectarian card, which led to the disappearance of the Arab/Israeli conflict, which was on the hierarchy of priorities, among the winds of new conflicts in the region.
The fourth chapter of the book is the real beginning of transferring the ideas and plans aimed at fragmenting the region, which were formulated and officially approved after the October War, to the stage of implementation on the ground. The beginning - in the year 2003 AD - was with the aggression against Iraq, which came at times under the pretext of weapons of mass destruction, a lie formulated by the United States. Sometimes under the pretext of spreading democracy
The fifth chapter of the book talks about the soft power that the United States sought to employ to complete the plan to fragment the Arab region, which was known as the Arab Spring revolutions, which are a reproduction of the model of the colored revolutions in Central Asia. This chapter examines the relationship between the United States and the Muslim Brotherhood, and it was limited to Egypt and Syria. Because of the strategic position that these two countries enjoy in the Arab system,
Chapter Six of the book touched on ISIS and the roots of the relationship between the United States and extremist fundamentalism, the impact of the Arab Spring phase on the recovery of this organization, which is an extension of Al-Qaeda, and how the United States found in ISIS what it needed to complete the plan of creative chaos after the fall of the political Islam groups that came to power during the Arab Spring phase.
The science of place energy, or what is known as (feng shui), is
One of the Chinese arts that studies how energy flows
(Chi or cosmic energy) in our environment so that it affects
We have to either positive or negative. The word Feng Shui is divided into two parts:
(Feng) means air, and (Shui) means water.
Feng Shui depends on the harmony of the energies of water and air, which are the basis of energies in the universe. In this book, you will be able to achieve harmony in your home and workplace through several applications, starting from choosing utensils to rearranging the location of furniture pieces in the home... for a positive, happy life with high energy.
About the novel: On the desktop
The novel's events revolve around the character "Khaled", an employee with a fragile personality who suffers from problems in proving himself and...
Fulfilling his ambition and hesitation about the nature of his desires, he works in an environment characterized by shifts and changes, some of which are positive, and
Others are negative and he is not good at dealing with them due to his nature and personality, and this is linked to changes that occurred in him
The nature of society recently and phenomena that have recently reared their heads, such as the phenomena of atheism and religious extremism, and also
He takes a bewildered attitude towards it, even though he admires a character who represents the middle position, and he is his manager, Falah
Always working, and in turn he is harassed because of his dedication to work and his fight against undesirable personalities
Except through formal development and forgetting what brings real progress and advancement to the work, away from mediation
And personal compliments.