كتاب فيه من المقالات الاجتماعية التي تخاطب أولائك الذين اتكلوا على عقولهم وأعرضوا عن تهذيب قلوبهم، منها ما هو حديث العقل للعقل، وكثير منها حديث القلب للقلب،
My name is Olivia. I was born and spent my early years in the American village of Alfred. I lived with my mother, father, and grandfather in one house, but my father did not spend much time with us at home. He traveled a lot because of his work and meetings held abroad, when I was in In the first stage of my studies, my grades were low, and that made my parents constantly angry with me until the day came when I changed my way of thinking and began to work hard to get first place in the ninth grade. At that time, I began to become attached to aviation and everything related to it until I decided to become a pilot. I am a co-pilot or a pilot, and the credit goes to my father, who used to tell me about the planes and events that happened to him during his travels. I would sometimes tell him about my desire to travel even once, but he could not because of his work, which took up his time. One day, Director James decided To accompany the outstanding students on a ten-day trip to Poland during the summer vacation. I was very happy because it would be my first time on a plane. The trip was all that occupied my mind until that day came and the dream came true to board the plane, which in turn would take us to Poland, but What happened did not occur to anyone. The plane crashed hours before its arrival, and I woke up two months after the crash, to hear the tragic news, which was that everyone who was with me had died and I was the only survivor. I was thousands of kilometers away from my parents and I had no way to reach them. At that time, my health condition was deteriorating, and I was afraid to go on a plane again, but despite everything that happened to me, fate sent me people who cared for me as they cared for their children, and that was the beautiful Victoria family, who brought me back to life after the plane crash killed her, a family that encouraged me and stood up. With me every moment I lived with them until I overcame the fear of flying and achieved my biggest dream, which was to become a co-pilot. As fate would have it, I would one day return to my homeland after an absence that lasted ten years, during which I did not know what happened to my parents or my grandfather. I returned to my homeland, to my village. I found my parents there, and they had two children, but my joy of meeting them did not last long. The surprise that turned my happiness upside down was when I discovered that my grandfather had died, and I was longing to see him.
قد تُفتح صناديق الذكرى بسبب درجة حرارة مُعينة، يستشعرها الجسد مع تغير فصول السنة، حين يطرق الشتاء الأبواب تبدأ أجسادنا بالبحث عن أولئك الذين يشعروننا بالدفء
كلما تقدم العالم كلما ازدادت صعوبة عيش حياة تقوم على الحب والرحمة. الى الآن… يجسد هذا البرنامج الاستثنائي تألق الدكتور هوكينز المذهل وروح الدعابة المعدية والفهم العميق للسير في طريق اليقظة كمواطن في العالم.
There are few writers who have chronicled with such honest clarity and such bold honesty the development of the soul through the stages of life. Peter Kamintsend (1904), Damian (1919), Siddhartha (1922), The Steppenwolf (1927), Narcissus and Goldmund (1930), and The Journey to the East (1932) are different versions of a spiritual autobiography, and different depictions of the path of Joan. Each new step refines the image of all previous steps, and each experience opens new worlds of exploration in a continuous effort to communicate the vision.
Hermann Hesse, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962, was closely connected to the Indian world. He was influenced by Eastern philosophies. When he was once asked about the most important influences in his life, he said that they were “the Christian and never nationalistic spirit of my parents’ house,” “reading Chinese masterpieces,” and “the personality of the historian Jacob Burckhardt.”