طائرة تختفي عن شاشة الرادار، لتظهر بعدها لمدة دقيقة واحدة على بُعد آلاف الكيلومترات، قبل أن تختفي مجددًا.. رجل مجهول يظهر بغتة من العدم.. موتى يعودون للحياة دون إنذار.. نبوءة قديمة.. عبارة غامضة تتكرر بإلحاح غريب.. أمطار من الضفادع..وجثث
رواية بها رعب وخوف وغموض حيث يبحر بنا أسامة المسلم عبر بوابة الجان والشياطين والطلاسم وتحرر القرين فبدايتها مع شخصية (خوف) الذي وجد نفسه في عالم الجان والسحرة بعد قراءته لكتاب مخيف، تدور الاحداث في العالم السفلي .. وكيف تم زواجه بجنية وكيف اصبح مدون وكيف تعلم امورالسحر ؟
Above the clouds :
The book is based on real experiences and real-life stories of me as an author, and reflects an aspect of my personality in insisting on destroying excuses and moving towards success with confidence and faith. The book consists of 17 chapters, and the chapter ends with phrases formulated by the writer for contemplation and rethinking In the concept of the chapter that precedes it.
Tall Nawi
Book summary
Hearts need consolation, perhaps they will be comforted by the wound of the relative who owned them. When the pleasure of the liver rebels, and souls lack their complement, expressive words die and memory disappears, searching for no other refuge. The book includes thoughts that tell clips of stories overcome by sadness and pain, dealing with hearts that were shattered and in need of consolation and advice. .... Each thought describes a section of not-so-short stories, in which it tells the conversation of the soul to the soul, and narrates mixed happiness and pain, broken hearts, and inner discourses, which arouse controversy in the soul, and require healing answers for the tormented soul..... The characters speak with the language of the days, complaining. Bitterness befell her, and she taught a life lesson: there is no permanent happiness, no love lasts, and no trust is given to the unknown.
Long hours are the most miserable and exhausting of the souls of many. That distance that intensifies longing and steals sleep from the eyes. It is the distance that everyone abhors and only the hardened of hearts can enjoy.
Unlike the rest of the men in his village, Mario decides not to spend his life as an ordinary fisherman, so he decides, using his bicycle, to work as a postman in a small village, even though it only has one person who receives and sends letters. Chile's greatest poet, Pablo Neruda.
In his exile there, the poet lives as an observer and participant in the great changes taking place in Chile, and through small meetings and discussions about love, poetry and politics, a special relationship is established between him and the young postman who is immersed in love and enchanted by Neruda’s poetry, which he sees as his right because poetry does not belong to its writer but to those who need it. .
Through charming details of the human relations in a small village between the poet steeped in politics and the postman in love steeped in poetry, Scarmeta recounts the great political changes that took place in Chile and the rise and fall of revolutionary dreams.