باعتباره نهجًا ثوريًا للتحفيز والتقدم الوظيفي، يمزج هذا الكتاب عناصر من مبادئ علم التحفيز وتصميم الألعاب والإدارة الذكية، ويظهر لك كيفية القيام بما يلي: إنشاء ثقافة تعزز التعاون والإبداع والإنتاج المذهل. ديناميكيات تحفيزية متغيرة تؤثر على سلوكيات وأداء أي فريق.
War has no female face (Nobel Prize for Literature 2015)
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Product Details :
Thousands of wars took place, short and long. We knew the details of some of them, while other details were absent among the bodies of the victims. Many wrote, but men always wrote about men. Everything we knew about war, we knew through “the man’s voice.” We are all prisoners of “men’s” perceptions and feelings about war, prisoners of “men’s” words. As for women, they have always been silent.
In World War II, approximately one million Soviet women participated in fighting on all fronts and in various tasks. Svetlana raises important questions about the role of women in the war: Why did women, who defended their land and took their place in an exclusive male world, not defend their history? Where are their words and where are their feelings? There is a whole hidden world. Their war remained unknown...
In her book, “War Has No Female Face,” Svetlana writes the history of this war. Women's war.