Between the pages of life
I found among the pages of life a realistic social story that talks about a woman who suffered a lot in her life and in various family, social, material and educational fields. The story revolves around real incidents and not from imagination. At times it will be sad and at other times it will be funny, but hidden within these situations and incidents is a valuable humanitarian message for every person. He will read the story. I hope that you will read this story with your hearts because it will really take you to that distant place in time and make you live its realistic experience and seek out those characters that you may find in the surroundings of your life, or perhaps they actually exist, but you have not known the truth about those hidden souls yet, and the story also revolves around. About the challenges and how this woman was able to deal with them despite her young age at the beginning and her lack of complete education and family support, but she challenged these circumstances through her optimistic outlook and her faith and trust in God Almighty. When a person puts his trust in God as he deserves, here the divine miracle and the wonders of its power in man appear.
وتروي السلسلة مجموعة من القصص الواقعية على لسان طبيب نفسي يعمل في إحدى المستشفيات تتعلق بمرضاه المختلفة حالاتهم، لاسيما الفتيات منهم، ساردا أغرب الحكايات التي يبدو بعضها أقرب إلى الجنون من المنطق!