The next madness...
This is an early warning of madness unleashed on the world. When this madness begins, there may be no way to stop it or control it!
This madness may tamper with minds, control them, and urge them to rebellion...and madness!
For every sane person who wants to maintain his sanity, this is the last warning to stay away from the zone of madness, and for everyone who wants madness, please enter a world that lacks all restrictions!
The Next Madness is a book that simulates the feelings and thoughts that conflicted in the mind of a woman who was called “Madness” for a good reason. The reader will realize this when he enters the world of “Madness.”
In this book, I collected some of them to put them in your hands... because what happened to me or to one of the heroes of these thoughts also happened to you in one way or another...
Laughter, happiness, optimism, sadness and tears..
These feelings will touch you within the folds of this book, and you will see a reflection of a feeling
We have always thought about it, but we have not been able to express it in the form of words that ears can hear.
Her refuge was these papers so that hearts could see them before eyes.
There are happy endings, some are sad, and some of them I leave the pen to you to create an ending inspired by your own imagination.
You are also the hero of a story that you live and you are free to choose an ending that suits you
A social situation that the young people were fed up with... or a strange behavior that appeared among them...
Perhaps a feeling that has stood in the way of our lives... Bells ringing the holes of attention, waving at us with an icy hand...
Either it will dissolve before we notice it, or we will dissolve before we understand its purpose.
Here we stop and give it our minds... for you and perhaps for those after you
يعد كتاب السر من أفضل كتب المساعدة الذاتية مبيعاً لعام 2006، وهو من تأليف روندا بايرن، استناداً إلى فيلم سابق بنفس الاسم. وتقوم فكرته على قانون الجذب ويدعي أن التفكير الإيجابي يمكن ان يخلق نتائج تجعل الحياة أفضل مثل الزيادة في الثروة والصحة والسعادة
An overview of the book: Exit from the Gate of the Past to Success
They are old stations that I passed through one day that created my future
But first, I must find the key to enter through this old gate, but with your help, and I will not enter it alone. You will be with me, and I will take you through these stations.
Beautiful memories are like a flock of birds that cannot be caught, but you can enjoy them passing in front of you
In order to live a more beautiful reality, we must realize what happened in the past and make it a gateway to our success and distinction and employ old lessons in new situations.
I also hope that by writing this book that I have made available to everyone so that everyone who has experienced loss or nostalgia for the past or a specific place can benefit from it, success and hope despite all circumstances are not impossible, and I want to show people how short life is.
Life is a beautiful novel. You should read it until the end. Never stop at a sad line. The ending may be beautiful.