Black peacock:
A novel centered around the methods used by political organizations, particularly ideology, to create their individuals who are assigned special roles and at planned times. The social and psychological conditions that the main character in the story goes through are exploited and employed skillfully by the organization to perform their roles efficiently in the future.
The black peacock is a very complex human condition. It appears within the text with different masks and at multiple stages of time. According to this condition, its owner is forced to wear masks that suit every stage of his life and are consistent with the role assigned to him within a long path that was mapped out in advance while he was still young. The novel presents its mysterious main character in two parallel narrative lines, once in the mirrors of others and again in an internal monologue of the same character as she struggles with death on the surface of the river.
The story begins with the story of the mysterious advisor Taj al-Din, one of the leaders of the Islamic movement and one of the mysterious influencers in government, and his strange, transforming personality, with many confusing masks, to delve into the details of a long period of modern Sudan’s life extending from the seventies of the last century, from the years of Nimeiry’s rule and extending To the beginning of the new century, filled with many events that changed the course of political events in the country.
The name of the novel is taken from an adjective given to its secret hero, Adam, when he was thirteen years old when he was serving his sentence in a juvenile facility for killing his mother, her husband, and their son. At this stage, the organization pays attention to Adam's personality and his tendency to violence, and is preparing for the years in which Islamists will rule the country. The novel presents the main character from two angles: as a perpetrator who trapped many victims, and as a victim who was deceived and fell into the trap of violence.
Adam is transformed by the game of masks into Ammar Al-Barakas, Shaker, Taj Al-Din, and many other names. Thanks to it, and thanks to his deep culture and exceptional abilities, he became one of the arms of violence that the authorities exploited to discipline their opponents during the third democracy period, which lasted between the years 1986-1989, and then used it in its multiple wars in South Sudan. And Darfur, which the alleged advisor himself admitted in his narration of his memories in a personal monologue during his struggle with death.
The novel begins with the scene of the enigmatic and enigmatic man (Taj al-Din) moving to the Burri neighborhood, located east of the capital, Khartoum, close to the shore of the Blue Nile, where he kept his distance from his neighbors until the moment his death was announced in the plane accident, without any reference to his name among the missing. The question mark over the man's fate haunted the imagination of his chance neighbor and former companion during his university days, Judge Al-Naim Darraj. He is provoked by the story of the man who wore different masks, so he travels the country in search of the turning point in the path of the mysterious man before he solves all the mysteries in the end.
War has no female face (Nobel Prize for Literature 2015)
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Product Details :
Thousands of wars took place, short and long. We knew the details of some of them, while other details were absent among the bodies of the victims. Many wrote, but men always wrote about men. Everything we knew about war, we knew through “the man’s voice.” We are all prisoners of “men’s” perceptions and feelings about war, prisoners of “men’s” words. As for women, they have always been silent.
In World War II, approximately one million Soviet women participated in fighting on all fronts and in various tasks. Svetlana raises important questions about the role of women in the war: Why did women, who defended their land and took their place in an exclusive male world, not defend their history? Where are their words and where are their feelings? There is a whole hidden world. Their war remained unknown...
In her book, “War Has No Female Face,” Svetlana writes the history of this war. Women's war.
Scattering :
As soon as you think that you have understood what is going on around you...until question marks return to appear on your face, proving to you that you are wrong...a novel that combines reality and imagination...its events take place in your reality carries within it pain and the desire to change events into reality... Another does not exist.. Will that desire continue or will it force you back to continue the life that you did not choose for yourself?
رواية العائد هي الرواية الثالثة ضمن ثلاثية مخطوطة بن اسحاق للكاتب حسن الجندي، الكاتب الذي اخترق عقول الشباب على علم ورضا منهم. متى ذُكر اسم حسن الجندي تذكر الجن والعفاريت والمخطوطات السحرية وما إلى ذلك من فزاعات النفس. يتميز أسلوبه بالوضوح والسهولة، وهنا تكمن المشكلة، حيث يوصل إليك الرعب بدون تعب منه