Beauty Café: A person's life is not devoid of many hardships: the departure of a loved one, the deterioration of health, the loss of money, the loss of a position... but despite all of that, we must continue to move forward, we must be optimistic, smile, and look to the future with eyes full of hope. We must cling to the moments of joy, and bite them with our jaws. Clinging to the moments of joy, from my point of view, is more useful than forgetting sadness. The heart is an open space for all feelings. If it is occupied by joy, it is narrowed by sadness, and if it is occupied by sadness, it is narrowed by joy. What we should be most wary of are moments of depression, as they are the ones that eat away at our lives without stopping, eating, eating, eating until they lead us to disappear. We are not alive because we wake up every morning, breathe, eat, and walk. We are alive for other reasons that are deeper and more closely related to the essence of life. We are alive because the passion is still within us, the passion to explore more in our lives, more that we don't know, but that we know we need.
الرواية إماراتية بامتياز حيث عاش أحداثها كاتبها وتحكي واقع أسرة إماراتية عاشت تحولات دراماتيكية، بين مفاجآت الأقدار وأدوار البطولة، حيث عاش رجل وامرأة قصة حملت في طياتها نموذج التضحية والصبر ومواجهة نوائب الدهر.
السيناريوهات والمشاهد مليئة بالمحطات والشخوص والملامح والأماكن والأزمنة.. كانت البطولة لشخصيتين محوريتين في الرواية الموشومة بتلك العلاقة التي لعب فيها رب الأسرة الدور المنوط به ونجاحه في أن يكون بحجم تلك التحديات التي واجهتها أسرته.
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The book carries a sublime message that a young woman wanted to convey, despite her young age. However, life has taught her enough lessons to make her decades ahead of those of her age. The book is a bridge between the writer’s heart and the hearts of the people, so that she can express through it the “lesson” that makes us obsolete about the existence of a person. He guides us to it, and it is enough for us that words are able to console us and paint a picture of happiness in our hearts.