Look at my heart:
Latifa Al-Hajj returns with new texts entitled “Look at My Heart.” With her poetic style and deep feeling that touches the heart of everyone who reads it.
In all of her texts, Al-Hajj refers to the heart in which love resides and emanates from it, the love that heals, heals, and transforms desolate worlds into a garden of tranquility and happiness.
A poetic journey of 251 pages, which the author dedicates to the people of love and heart.
من خماسية قصص قصيرة ، وجاء فيها: "العمى درجات والبصيرة هِبات.. نحن نرى ونسمع غالباً ما نريد فقط .. ولا نستسيغ سوى ما يتوافق مع أهوائنا .. لذا فاستيعاب معظمنا محدود
From a meeting between Mihai, who is spending his honeymoon in Italy, with an old friend, the events of this novel begin. He soon finds himself leaving his wife at a train station, and begins his own journey, searching for himself and the memories of his youth. Traveling from one city to another, Mihai experiences the anxiety of his existential questions, and meets friends of that period. He learns the reason for Tamas’ suicide, and Eva’s relationship to this incident, but what does he really want from recalling stories told by time?
In this novel, which is considered one of the most prominent Hungarian novels in the modern era, which achieved great success, was translated into several languages, and was adapted for theater and cinema, the reader feels as if the author is able to penetrate his depths, and not only the depths of his characters.
Writing while standing:
It is considered the last book by the late novelist Hassan Mutlaq, the author of the novel (Dabada), in which he talks about the philosophy of writing and the novel. It also embodies his reflections on awareness and perception, which he used to employ in the book and the novel. It is a book that prompts us to ask here: What are prose books? Why do we write? Who is the real writer? What is the point of literary writing? Who is the reader and what is reading? .