طائرة تختفي عن شاشة الرادار، لتظهر بعدها لمدة دقيقة واحدة على بُعد آلاف الكيلومترات، قبل أن تختفي مجددًا.. رجل مجهول يظهر بغتة من العدم.. موتى يعودون للحياة دون إنذار.. نبوءة قديمة.. عبارة غامضة تتكرر بإلحاح غريب.. أمطار من الضفادع..وجثث
Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi.. from life to life / colorful
70 AED
70 AED
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Product Details :
Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi...from life to life A venerable, dignified journey crowned with the philosophy of life, and because his efforts lead to a world that deserves to have its intellectual mirror clear and pure. His Highness made a persistent effort for the Emirati person to become our cultural destination through which he conveys the essences of thought and expresses a unique, unique, ancient and glorious national language. His Highness sought for the Emirati person to always be a bright flame in the worlds that illuminates the path of others to where the happiness, advancement and development of the worlds lies.