The best way to understand Bakunin suggests looking at what he wrote, and what he did, as part of a libertarian movement within the socialist movement and thought, and the main disagreement between him and Marx centered around the concept of authority and freedom. Regarding this point, Bakunin presented a set of ideas: on organization and revolution, and human nature, Criticism of the concepts of the social contract, the state, democracy, and elections; Marxism and liberalism are interconnected, intertwined, and transcend - in an amazing way - both; This is Bakunin's main intellectual contribution. Bakunin believes that all authorities are illegitimate, and that freedom is the main condition for human development. Before we present the details of his vision, we must clarify that Bakunin did not reject all authorities absolutely, and that anarchism is not chaos. Anarchism was subjected to a ruthless campaign to distort it, led by its companions: Marxists first, then liberals, and of course those with traditional authority, but it is an unjust campaign. In fact, Bakunin distinguishes between authority that does not emanate from below, but is imposed on people, and authority that consists of Below, in an organic and natural way, and it exercises its influence within specific and temporary limits.
يعدُّ هذا الكتاب من الكتب القيّمة في ميدان التربية الخاصة من حيث التناول في موضوعه وهو "الإدارة الفاعلة لمؤسسات الرعاية الإنسانية"، فكم من مؤسسة، أو هيئة، أو جمعية، أو منظمة معنية برعاية وتأهيل المعاقين كان أداؤها دون المتوقع! بالرغم من امتلاكها لميزانيات ضخمة، وطاقم فني محترف في عمله، إلّا أن عدم مواكبة الإدارة للممارسات العالمية الحديثة في مجال القيادة المؤسسية أدى إلى انخفاض ملحوظ في أداء تلك المؤسسات المعنية برعاية الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة "أصْحَاب الهِمَم".