Summary of the novel:
I used to think that a person denies his mistakes in front of everyone, and admits them when he is alone!
You do not know all this, and I can return to you without telling you anything so that we can continue what we started
Together, but if I return to you without telling you what happened, I will not be worthy of you.
Even if I told you and apologized to you and you accepted my apology, I would not be worthy of your forgiveness!
This is how I decided to leave you. I changed my phone number and tried to forget everything that happened between us
In the past, I tried hard to forget that I met you, and what a difficult attempt it was!
I traveled far to complete the journey of oblivion. I spent long days alone outside.
My color turned pale and darkness fell under my eyes. I could not find relief or feel it at all.
I looked ten years older than my age!
I lived far from you and I was torn apart, the feeling of remorse still takes over my heart and sleep
He still leaves me!
After many months, I decided to return to my home. I realized that there was no longer any point in
Run away.
I came back knowing that you had continued your life away from me, but on the contrary, I decided to...
I live on what remains of my memories with you.
I preferred to live by it and write it down so that it would not be lost and vanished!
I just wanted to write about you and for you. Whenever I found something I wanted to write, it was for you.
My only refuge from the harshness of life is away from you!
وسائل وأساليب عملية لتقوية التركيز العقلي. ركز على ما تُحبه وتراه جديراً باستثمار طاقاتك وأوقاتك في إنجازه. اسمح للآخرين بمساعدتك في الأمور الثانوية وتلك المهام
هذا الكتاب الذي بين يديك يحمل بين طياته مجموعة من القصص الواقعية لأشخاص بدأوا حياتهم من الصفر وأرتقوا بها الى قمة المجد والشهرة والثراء. وهذه القصص قمنا بجمعها ...