In this book there are pictures from the world of childhood in its openness to the world of adults, snapshots from the lives of children who receive their first lessons in the school of life and survival, and for the first time look out from the window of their reality and their ages at the world of adults and the prospects for the future that are shaped by an important historical and social stage, which is the Spanish Civil War: Seriousness, fun, drinking, singing, an atmosphere of war, and the sound of bombs. Waiting for a father who will not return, abandoning homes, being displaced from homes, and crossing lines. A life in shelters, a life in mines, the dreams of youth, and teenage love
تدور حول البطلة لج مع السلطعون ناسك عند البحث عن الأربع عناصر التي أخذتها من ملك الجن من أجل استعادة عرش الملوك السبعة، فتتشبك لج بأحد الشبكات الخاصة بالصيادين، ومن ثم تحدثهم لهم الكثير من الأحداث المشوقة.