هذا الكتاب المدروس بعناية والمصاغ بشكل جيد يدحض معظم ضجيج الإدارة الحالي؛ من جماعة الرؤساء التنفيذيين الخارقين إلى جماعة المعلومات حتى هوس الاستحواذ والدمج.
عن ماذا تتكلم رواية ليلة ماطرة؟
رواية ليلة ماطرة للكاتب أسامة المسلم تأتي كتكملة لإبداع الكاتب غير المحدود ليقدم لنا رواية قصيرة للغاية بعدد صفحات لا يتجاوز ال 160 صفحة. تدور أحداثها حول فتاة تركت بلدتها وقررت السفر بغرض الدراسة وتحسين علاقاتها الاجتماعية بعدما كانت محوطة بالحرس الشخصي الخاص بأبيها.
رواية حقيقة الخديعة – دان براون. كعادة دان بروان يكشف لنا مزيد من الأسرار التى لا يعلمها الكثير منا يكشف دان في هذه الرواية عن مدى… سلاسل وأعمال كاملة.
Where poetry is water, a cloud of perfume and rain, circling around the playing fields and the hum of things, only the poem is, when the poet’s soul is present, and his eternal, shortened yearning is present at the dock of wishes and the nooks of words. The moment of poetry is the poet’s feeling and pulse, his dream, and his vast, generous imaginations, a moment. The growing love, spreading the light within us, as if quenching a thirst.
Poetry is imagination, and perhaps a supplication creeps from behind words to make a supplication and weave a story. True poetry is us with all the beauty we carry and the feelings we harbor. It is something that flows like magic, making the moon rise.
The poem is some words that express us, and they may not express us, they leave us with pain and fatigue, as if the alphabet in its hidden secret refuses to be us/us, to become strangers to us. Here is an attempt to translate the self, and another attempt to express the other in some way, which may make him one of those whom the words here draw. .
In this literary work, I, you, and them, let us read with love, color the sky with joy, and follow the words.
The story of another dictator from Latin America, except in this novel he is an educated, enlightened dictator who befriends an academic, a poet, and a writer in Paris, attends opera performances, and decorates his palace with artistic paintings. But despite his “high culture,” he is corrupt and corrupt. He does everything to remain in power, plotting conspiracies and drawing plays, because he knows that without the throne he is worth nothing.
Carpentier wanted the title of his novel, “The Discourse of the Method,” to be compatible with the title of Descartes’ book: “The Discourse of the Method.” While the philosopher lays down his theory of the method with his hands in cold water, its application appears here hot and burning, poisoned with iron, blood, and fire. The Cuban writer addresses the personality of the tyrant from the inside, contemplating his psyche, entering into the recesses of his mind, with writing that is bold in its conceptions, rich in its fertile details, and innovative in its techniques. List it.