لا مكان إلا لجنونه حب دفعهم بأن يزدادوا عظمة حتى دفعتهم أحلامهم ليصبحوا غير قادرين على فعل شيء سوى اللجوء إلى محكمة الحب ماذا لو كانت هذه هي المحكمة أشد قسوة ؟
Almost a poet's collection
After Greetings,,
This book includes a collection of Nabataean poems, some eloquent poems, prose, and free poetry as well...what was written down over the past years...
It includes approximately 72 blogs and reaches 44-45 pages.
National values and culture of coexistence:
The most precious thing in our existence is the homeland to which we belong, and it has rights required of us by common sense, and confirmed by religious texts, and it is necessary that we take note of these contents because of their impact on the behavior of citizens and residents under national states.
What are the rights of the homeland and the citizen in contemporary national states?
What are the implications?
What are the national values that a citizen should have to achieve national security and peaceful coexistence among the people of the country?
Brain Giggles Wooden Toys for Toddlers and Kids, Educational Toys (0-9 No. Train) For Wooden Toys For kids, Educational Toys 3 Years, Kids Toys For Boys
In our daily lives, our bodies may need a lot of vitamins to provide us with the activity and energy that we need if we feel lethargic one day, so we are accustomed to getting doses of vitamins so that we do not lose this energy. From the idea of these vitamins, the idea of creating new types of vitamins came to mind, but these Vitamins of a different kind, vitamins that will help you develop yourself for the better, will improve your life, and will make you a person capable of facing a lot in this life. They will help you rise if you stop in the middle of the road one day, and I really hope that these vitamins will affect even a small part of your life. People will become better than they were before after reading this book.