Electrolytes and resources:
It is a variety of study subjects in the school of life. It has no time or place, no chapter or book.
It is available to every person, and every day it contains more than one exam, and its materials have not been subjected to planning or preparation, and it has no curriculum.
It comes and goes, disappears and settles, changes and is renewed... This is how its materials are as I experienced them.
Resources are study materials imposed by life experience and written by life experience, and life remains the mother of schools.
تتحدث الرواية عن بائعة الخبز "جانيت فورتيه" ضحية الفجور والفسق، الهاربة من السجن بسبب جريمة لم ترتكبها لتبحث عن أبنائها. تصور الرواية المشاكل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والقانونية في المجتمع، اضافة إلى اظهار أثر الظلم والفقر الذي يتعرض له السواد الأعظم من الناس.
Manifestations of Mohammed bin Rashid
Horses are in the character of Mohammed bin Rashid, the alphabet of language, and the dialectic of primary longings. They are the moment of brilliance in the race, in the context, and in the eternal view. They are a horse in the poetry of the poem, they are the cooing on the dewy branches, they are the curls at noon. We approach the youth of horses and the blink of a poem, and the brilliance awes us, and our ancient history, butterflies spread their sheets on the horseback with the chivalry of the nobles, and the youth of the nobles. We approach, while we are in the field, a feeling, a sky, studded with the verses of the Transfiguration and the spirit of the pure, we approach the horses of Muhammad bin Rashid, as if we are reading a poem by the most famous stallions. Poets, we approach a wild flower embraced by longing in a reddish soil. We approach the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid, as if we are following the steps of a language full of song. We approach the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid as if we are stepping into space. We approach the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid, as if we are drawing a picture of a star dancing in the sky. Heaven, we approach the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid, as if we are reciting the story of light in the imagination of the pious. We approach the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid, as if we are walking on a carpet of water. We approach the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid, as if we are flying with wings whose feathers are made of beautiful braids. We approach the horses of Muhammad. Bin Rashid, as if we were kissing the lip of the air. We were approaching the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid, as if we were hugging a rose on the equator. We were approaching the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid, as if we were lining up the letters of a poem in the style of Haifa. We were approaching the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid, as if we were crossing a river whose birds were in the same pattern. Eternity, we approach the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid, as if we were in the presence of Greek philosophies, we approach the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid, as if we were in the original, and in the chapter, the secret in the seismic leap controversy, we approach the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid, as if we were in the Houma and Jaljaliyya, approaching the horses of Mohammed Bin Rashid, as if we were in the hermitage of brilliance and oriental gumption. We approached the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid as if we were in the cloud’s sheath and the generous miniatures of abundance. We approached the horses of Mohammed bin Rashid as if we were in the heart of the cloud, rich in dust.