Using diminutive names, such as: “Soso” or “Koba,” Arrabal addresses the leader Joseph Stalin through a long, sarcastic and indignant message, dropping from him the qualities of greatness and deification, so that he returns to a child who deserves rebuke. Employing his huge and diverse intellectual reserve, Arrabal delves into the details of Stalin’s life, starting from his famous mustache, passing through the women in his life, the spies and henchmen who worked for him, and the poets who immortalized him in weak verses, all the way to his victims, who were many, inside and outside the Soviet Union, and with Therefore, Arrabal does not reveal the sources of his information, nor does he differentiate between facts and fabricated details. He does not seek to present a truly historical document as much as he is interested in formulating a dialectical and moral argument. Unlike his letter to General Franco, which he sent to the latter while he was alive, writing to a dead dictator may seem like an absurd and useless act, but Arrabal is in fact directing his letter to the living who lived with Stalin, or were influenced by him later, and he is trying in his letter, which seems Closer to a plea in a court; To say: History is unforgettable and cannot be erased.
إتيكيت التحية والمُصافحة · إلقاء التحية من قبل القادم على المُقيم، والمارّ على الجالس. · الرّد على التحية بتهذيب. · إلقاء التحية قبل بدء الحديث، وعند الانتهاء منه.
أثار كتاب الشعر الجاهلي ﻟ «طه حسين» موجة عاتية من النقد والجدال الذي أخذ عدة نواحي فكرية ودينية وأدبية، وتسببت بعض الأفكار الجامحة الواردة في الكتاب في اتهام مؤلفه بالكفر والزندقة، ولما كان منهج الأدباء والمفكرين في الرد على خصومهم يلجأ لمقارعة الحجة بالحجة، وعرض الحقائق والأفكار فقد انبرى عدة مفكرين كبار لتفنيد ما جاء بهذا الكتاب وكان «الرافعي» أبرزهم، حيث انتصر للدفاع عن تراثنا القديم كما بين بعض المغالطات التي ذكرها حسين، وقد ارتكز المؤلف في دفاعه على ذخيرته من الثقافة الإسلامية خاصةً آيات القرآن الكريم وتفسيره، فكان هذا الدفاع تحت راية القرآن العظيم
Brief: The book defines the concept of anticipating the future, sheds light on its benefits, and clarifies to the reader the confusion that usually occurs between foresight and concepts such as the knowledge of the unseen, and the concepts of s Other strategies, such as strategic planning and risk management. The book discusses the experience of the United Arab Emirates in adopting the concept of foresight, represented by the “Emirates Foresight” project, as a living example of including the concept Foresight in the government excellence system. And the book talks about the movement and the directions that are drawn from the recipients of the future. No, in addition to the purchasing of some of the important and inferiority and the useful in the process of eliminating the process of anticipation Become and others; Understanding these tools leads to knowing the repercussions resulting from the drivers and trends, and points to the challenges that will result from them. In appreciation of the principle of finding solutions, the book addresses the importance of the main role that innovation plays in facing future challenges. Also, as a matter of importance, the book addresses the role of data and knowledge in implementing the foresight project, in addition to the impact of spreading the culture of foresight and how Disseminating it among institutions and individuals. The book contains other topics related to the concept of foresight, which would improve the process and practices of foresight. To achieve happiness and well-being, and to serve societies; Such as the main elements of building future capabilities, and the role that the culture of foresight plays in refining the positive personality, qualities, capabilities, and advantages It represents the values and morals of the individual who works to anticipate the future. The need to focus on the small changes and differences that occur in present societies was also the focus of discussion in this book. The enlargement or continuity of some of them may negatively affect the future of societies and their individuals. At the beginning of the book, dear reader, I present to you some future predictions and expectations in vital sectors of societies, as an example of the stage The last part of the process of anticipating its results and final outcome.
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