كيف نجد الحبّ ونحافظ عليه؟ نجتاز أكبر المشكلات في علاقاتنا بسهولة؟ نتأقلم مع التغيير والخسارة؟ حياتنا تدور حول العلاقات: العائلة والأصدقاء والزّملاء والحبيب وحتّى علاقتنا مع نفسنا. لو تمكّنا من تحقيق التوازن فيها، تصبح حياتنا أسهل.
Between Abu Dhabi and London The predecessor of love Between Who Am I's daughter and Tariq's madness... I love London and Abu Dhabi A quartet of short novels... which talks about a daughter who lives with a family she thinks is her family, but discovers in the end that she is an orphan... Then the novel moves to the previous story of the love and sacrifice of a woman for the sake of a man she loved... After that, it talks about Tariq's madness for horses until the novel takes us to its end. Between London and Abu Dhabi.. The summary of the novel lies in loyalty and true love that resides in the depths of the soul and we cannot extract it, love but in silence..