يتحدث المؤلف عن الإغواء بالمعنى الرومانسي، ولكن يمكن أن ينطبق أيضًا على الحياة المهنية أو الحياة اليومية. فن الإغواء لا يتعلق فقط بالإغواء بهدف جنسي. إنه أمر مثير للاهتمام للغاية عندما يتعلق الأمر بفهم علم النفس البشري بشكل عام. إذا كنت مهتمًا بالعلاقات الإنسانية والتأثير، فستجد هذا الكتاب غير عادي.
There are many electronic games at various digital levels that generate imaginative ideas and enhance problem-solving skills in addition to improving memory. What would happen if you tried one of these games for the first time? In the beginning, you may get lost, and you will get lost, but you will search for the finish line, the end of the road, the end of the game, the end of what you are doing now. On your first attempt, it may take a long time to reach the final destination, on your second attempt, it may take half that time. But what about the fifth attempt? Or seven? Or ten? It will take much less time than that, and the reason is that you practiced a certain activity repeatedly so that it became easy to accomplish it in the least possible time. We are all winners in the game of life All we need are the right practices and habits to reach a happy ending. Dear reader, I promise you that you will reach your final destination, and that you will get what you want, God willing, if you promise to continue reading this book until the last chapter.