Owned houses and others are rented, fleeting and temporary dwellings, between which the writer moves across different Syrian cities, turning the houses into stations, or rest stops that allow her to contemplate the context of her life, her choices, and the source of her desire to remain between closed doors. The subjective nature of the book turns it into a kind of personal testimony, but Nour Abu Farraj is betting that her memories may intersect to a large degree with the experiences of middle-class young men and women from the 1980s generation in Syria, who lived a relatively stable life, before the war came and made a difference in their context. Forcibly expel them from their safe spaces.
In the face of the transience and uncertainty that war brings, description becomes a tribute to the fleeting; This is why the book tries to remind readers of the long time it takes to build a house, in the symbolic or structural sense, but it nonetheless warns them against becoming captives to the place, and encourages them to carry their homes as souvenirs, or small luggage on their long journey.
Endless hordes of palm trees roll horizontally, regularly and lightly, behind a small human body, heading towards the village of “Al-Ghazala” to destroy it completely. While the residents of the village and its people live the horror of the last moments, awaiting their inevitable fate drawn by someone seeking revenge, there are pasts that unfold, events that appear, and stories that are reproduced to tell the story of two imaginary villages.
In a strange atmosphere, and the strangest relationships between the characters of his novel, “Ahmed Kamel” grapples with the idea of human helplessness, and delves into the worlds of secret desires, which people do not dare to announce or reveal.
“Mountain of Metaphors” is a novel that takes inspiration from the proverbs of villages in the Egyptian countryside, the beliefs of its people, and their fairy tales, to build its own myth.
كل أبٍ وأمٍّ يرغبان في إسعاد أطفالهما وتفادي إفساد حياتهم. ولكن ما هو السبيل إلى ذلك؟ في هذا الكتاب المفيد والممتع، تتناول المعالجة النفسية المعروفة فيليبا بيري المسائلَ الجوهرية في تربية الأطفال. وعوضاً عن تقديم أسلوب «مثالي» في التربية، تقدم صوّرة شاملة عن مكوّنات العلاقة الصحيّة بين الطفل ووالديه.
The Last Witnesses (Nobel Prize for Literature 2015)
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Much has been written about the heroism and exploits of war, and about the extent to which it is needed as a means of achieving goals that may be considered noble. But the constant question remains: Is there a justification for peace, our happiness, and even eternal harmony, if one small tear of an innocent child is shed for it?
In World War II, more than one hundred million people were killed, wounded, and displaced in the bloodiest war - so far - in our human history. Much has been written about the tragedies and consequences of this dark phase of our history. But how did the last living witnesses see her? Children of this war?
More than thirty years after the end of that war, Svetlana, in her book The Last Witnesses, brings the remaining heroes of that stage back to their childhood that lived through the war, to tell in their words the last words... about a time that would end with them...