Since the revolution that overthrew the Shah in 1979, Iran has lived in a state of constant turmoil and major social and political fluctuations. From there, Delphine Menoui, a French journalist of Iranian origin, writes about her experience living in Iran for ten years, including one of the most ambiguous periods in Iranian history, the Green Movement.
أول كتاب في العالم يحمل نصوص تتحدّث عن نهايات العلاقات و عن صورة الرجل خلال مرحلة الانجذاب والانطفاء والانكسار والخذلان واستعادة الذات و الثبات أمام الخيانات
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(life quotes)
Life is as beautiful as the hardships a person may go through throughout his life.
Life's supplements are building a thin thread of hope, no matter how long the sorrows last
Or it is shortened, life continues and will not depend on its pleasures
God always compensates us for everything that is good for us.