There are things that people cannot describe.
There are words that we cannot accept, trivial things that make the only hope of our heart go away, that make our hopes disappointed and thrown away without fulfillment, those wishes that took most of our time to achieve. A few words from them changed the course of our lives, they turned that beautiful dream into a hideous nightmare. That paradise that we imagined was nothing but hell. We were living those dreams with great hope, but we were very disappointed. We were tired and despaired of them, but we will not give up, and we will not let their words and actions affect our dreams. The desires that the heart desires force us to bear them, force us to resist them. We will not break easily, except when our dreams are achieved. We will break because we achieved the desire of our heart after long patience. We will break. We will gather together again. We will be stronger than we were before. Be sure that you can.
يُبرِز لنا الكاتبُ في هذا الكتاب أهميةَ الدور المحوري الذي يلعبه العقل في إدراكِ الموجوداتِ التي يُعنَى بها مبحث الأنطولوجيا «مبحث الوجود» باعتباره أحد المباحث ...