The novel “I freed you from me” is a novel that says:
About the story of a writer who meets the love of her life while signing her book...and how she turns this love into a path to searching for sufficiency in divine love, the love of God...
The novel is distinguished by its depth of description, which examines all the details... and the attempt to enter into the human soul and read its feelings and contradictions... It is also distinguished by its delicate poetic language, charming, attractive images, and spirituality that penetrates into the soul of the reader.
"الحصن الرقمي" رواية ذكية سريعة الإيقاع والمقنعة، يتماهى الحدّ الفاصل بين الحق والباطل، بشكل كاف لنتمتع بقدرات "دان براون" الروائية الفائقة التي استطاع من خلالها
Delicacy did not protect the noble young woman in her twenties, Evelyn, from the disappointments of love, so she leaves Budapest, going to her ancestral home in a village on the banks of the Tisza River, in the hope that she will find tranquility and enjoyment there. But her sense of security is shaken as her suspicions mount that there is someone roaming around her house. Do you see him as her lover Kalman? She doesn't know whether to hope so or fear it!
Evelyn immerses herself in a strange world in which the dead mix with the living, and reality with myth, so that everything strange seems very ordinary. A girl loves a tree, a man lies in his coffin and reads the book of prayers, and the ghosts of disappointed lovers haunt their lovers...
In "Sunflowers", the Hungarian writer Jula Krodi uses descriptive language and free association in which dream and reality are mixed, to bring the reader into the depths of his characters and make him see nature through their eyes, drawing a picture of the Hungarian countryside in which people spend their lives searching for love, just as the sunflower moves. In search of light.
An immortal masterpiece, the largest and greatest literary work in the history of Italian literature, one of the hundred greatest books in human history, and the most printed, published and translated book after the holy heavenly books in the world... it is the “Divine Comedy.” A unique symbolic journey through otherworldly worlds undertaken by the greatest writers of the centuries Dante Alighieri, a symbol of sinful life, leads him to "Hell" and "Purgatory", then "Beatrice", a symbol of faith, leads him towards "Paradise"... It is a long and turbulent journey towards knowledge and faith, filled with symbols that have given it ambiguity, complexity, and brilliance in the eyes of readers, critics, and interpreters. Transferring all of humanity from a state of misery and misery to a state of happiness and contentment is one of the goals of our book, as stated by its author, by diving into the depths of history, recounting rich life experiences, and classifying people according to their deeds in their world, between hell, purgatory, and paradise, and through what the work contains. Philosophy, wisdom, morals and emotion. The strength of the structure, the strength of the style, and the interconnectedness of meanings are features that uniquely characterize this epic.