About the article sponsoring the summit:
Leah receives many events, conspiracies and secrets that will bind her in hellish chains and cause her to fall into a spiral of pain and confusion from which she cannot escape, which has accompanied her since childhood and affected her completely until she reaches the despair stage of life. Until she meets a woman who will change her life completely, who will untie her chains one by one so that the pain will disappear and be replaced by hope. She will help her show her lost talents in life, to make a path for her towards the goal to achieve what she aspires to with all her strength and confidence until she becomes the sponsor of the summit.
رواية أشبه بالخيال بقلم لويز هاي .. اتخذت حياة جوناثان لانغلي منحىً خطيرًا بعد فقده بصره بسبب مرضٍ نادرٍ. كان رسامًا ناجحًا ومشهورًا، وها هو اليوم يعيش في ظلامٍ دامسٍ