وصف الكتاب. مجموعة قصائد الشاعر والناقد حسين علي الهنداوي منذ خمسين عاما حتى اليوم تتحدث عن قضايا اسلامية وقضايا قومية وقضايا وطنية وهموم اجتماعية وذاتية.
"ريتشارد ويلمان مازال يطرق الأبواب بالحكمة والعبقرية المستخلصة من أجل هؤلاء الذين اكتشفوا قوة كلمة" لماذا "، يمكنني فقط أن أقول 'اقرأ واستفد'". _كريستوفر فوربس ،نائب رئيس فوربس الإعلامية. "كتاب ريتشارد يجب أن يكون على مكتب كل رجل أعمال، لابد من قراءته بواسطة كل الضالعين فى مجال المبيعات ".
My travel book A summary of my travels to more than 155 countries, I got to know a very large number of people, and I have friends and acquaintances in various parts of the earth. I met kings, princes, heads of state, ministers, and celebrities around the world. I got to know cultures and civilizations. I witnessed the stages of humanity’s formation. I ate the strangest foods and cuisines. I wore the clothes of Africans, Native Americans, Chinese, Viking tribes, and the indigenous people of New Zealand. Residents of the Maldives, Mauritius and others. I slept on the most luxurious beds in the world, I slept on wood, on plastic seats in airports, and sometimes I slept on the floor in the furthest parts of the earth. I learned many words from the languages of the world and used them, and I learned many behaviors from the peoples of the world and applied them It opened my heart and mind to the world and I witnessed the miracles of the Almighty Creator in His creation of humans, animals and plants. After a long journey and journeys, I believed that this world is very small and very simple and does not need all these conflicts I believed that we tire ourselves out in our lives with wars and rivalries, and that a person can live in peace if he realizes all of these meanings. My travels are experiences, events and facts, some of which are strange and some of which are lessons and lessons that happened to me over the course of thirty years of travel and travel for more than 155 years.
A book that addresses everything
From life, through love, longing, and separation, all the way to death
He addresses the human heart to reconsider monitoring his actions towards God, getting closer to Him and himself, charging his soul with positive energy, and drawing a smile in every step.
إن هذا الكتاب والذي جزء منه دليل إجرائي والجزء الآخر بمثابة اليوميات يستضيف أربعة وستين من أكثر الناس نجاحًا في عالم اليوم .مثل بير ستون أحد مؤسسي تويتر ، ...
Love recitation:
The book contains a collection of modern poetic works, written in a smooth and simple style.
I also adopted its title to be comprehensive of the content of the book, in which love mimics most of its content.