artificial intelligence :
What comes to your mind when the term “artificial intelligence” is mentioned? Are you confused and lost in a sea of conflicting ideas? How many times have you started researching the basics of artificial intelligence, only for all your efforts to come to naught? The good news is that you are not alone in this confusion.
Many people in our present world have heard a lot about artificial intelligence, but unfortunately only a few of them have an understanding of the basics of artificial intelligence and its general principles. Should we blame those working in this field for not being interested in simplifying the term enough for someone outside the field to understand it, and for their insistence on listing the facts and technical details surrounding the field? Or is the blame rightly placed on the scarcity of educational materials that are easy to access for everyone - whether specialists in the field or those wishing to enrich their knowledge? Whatever the obstacles that prevent you from understanding the true meaning of artificial intelligence, this book will be a safe haven for you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the field! I have organized the book and arranged its discussion points to help an individual who is driven by his curiosity and desire to acquire knowledge learn the basics of artificial intelligence.
The missing painting:
Noise that no one can hear except me, lights, people, and places that no one else knows, and others do not even believe. When I Was Alone is a collection of stories whose events will amaze you, and whose details will terrify you. It happened to some and it may happen to others, with a slight difference in the events.
Advice: If you read the book and feel afraid, do not sit alone, and if you think that you will not feel fear, do not sit alone either!
يصل عدد أتباع الأديان الإبراهيمية الثلاثة (اليهودية والمسيحية والإسلام) بالإضافة للصابئة إلى أكثر من نصف سكان العالم، وهذه الأديان قد قررت مكانة نبي الله إبراهيم الخليل عليه السلام، واعتبرته أبا الأنبياء؛ فهو من أوائل الذين أُرسلوا برسالة التوحيد؛ ليَهْدوا البشر لعبادة إله واحد شرَع لهم ما لو أخذوا به لاستقامت حَيَواتُهم. وعلى الرغم من أن المصريين القدماء قد عرفوا نوعًا من التوحيد؛ هو توحيد آلهتهم في إله واحد رمزوا له بقرص الشمس، إلا أن ذلك التوحيد كان اجتهاديًّا، وليس بتوحيد يقوم على رسالة من السماء. والمتتبع لسيرة أبي الأنبياء إبراهيم سيجد الكثير من النصوص المقدسة التي أشارت لمكانته، وحكت قصة دعوته لقومه، فنَجِد ذِكْرَه في التوراة والإنجيل والقرآن العظيم. والكتاب التالي يقدم دراسة شاملة عن رؤية أهل الأديان السماوية لخليل الرحمن إبراهيم
The traditional perception sees that criminals have violated the social order and public peace. Therefore, they must be punished publicly, as the presence of spectators confirms and justifies the judge’s ruling on the one hand, and achieves the authority’s goal of deterring others from repeating the crime on the other hand. This deterrence does not come only from the fear of physical harm due to punishment, but also from the fear of feeling shame and disgrace. Which can only be achieved with witnesses to the humiliation taking place.
But how are societies formed that accept such practices, or even demand them? What political systems allow humiliation, and what systems try to prevent it? Can we say that humiliation is only related to the “Dark Middle Ages” period, or has the “bright,” luminous, and enlightened modernity brought with it new methods of shame of its own and invented new practices of humiliation?
In a stunning analysis of historical and contemporary events, German historian Uta Frevert shows the role that humiliation played in building modern society, and how humiliation and the sense of shame it generates were used as a means of control, from the worlds of politics to school education, and that the art of humiliation is not only a thing of the past, but has evolved to suit... The changes of the twenty-first century, in a world where humiliation is not only from the political forces that control us, but also from our peers.