I was extremist...
In the words of Dr. Waseem Youssef:
- Today I will speak about myself. Yes, I was petrified and extremist. Yes, the religious trend - sometimes - pulls you in so much that you want to distance yourself from your society. Change or understanding reality is not reprehensible. Indeed, understanding religion is something to be praised for. Petrification is reprehensible. To inherit Islam without explaining this is reprehensible. God Almighty wants rational people, and He addressed His servants and demonstrated Himself with reason.. And He made the signs, including the sun and the moon, evidence of His existence.. God Almighty wants you to look at religion through the lens of reason.
O youth of the nation... I present to you the essence of my life and what happened to me... Read it impartially, and cleanse your hearts and minds from the impurities of extremism, fossilization and extremism. I advise every young man and every man who faces psychological conflicts based on extremism and extremism.
......Read and I will meet you at the end of the book..!!
"ريتشارد ويلمان مازال يطرق الأبواب بالحكمة والعبقرية المستخلصة من أجل هؤلاء الذين اكتشفوا قوة كلمة" لماذا "، يمكنني فقط أن أقول 'اقرأ واستفد'". _كريستوفر فوربس ،نائب رئيس فوربس الإعلامية. "كتاب ريتشارد يجب أن يكون على مكتب كل رجل أعمال، لابد من قراءته بواسطة كل الضالعين فى مجال المبيعات ".