In this book there are pictures from the world of childhood in its openness to the world of adults, snapshots from the lives of children who receive their first lessons in the school of life and survival, and for the first time look out from the window of their reality and their ages at the world of adults and the prospects for the future that are shaped by an important historical and social stage, which is the Spanish Civil War: Seriousness, fun, drinking, singing, an atmosphere of war, and the sound of bombs. Waiting for a father who will not return, abandoning homes, being displaced from homes, and crossing lines. A life in shelters, a life in mines, the dreams of youth, and teenage love
Man had a beautiful dream about himself, and he aspired to transcend his human condition, but a succession of circumstances opened a wound in this dream. The dream began to bleed and fade away. As it atrophied, it began to take on forms and names. From time to time, a person became aware of his tragic loss and realized that he was working hard to prevent himself from descending from his human level to the level of an animal, and when he resisted, his resistance took on a form of madness, and in this book an attempt is made to touch upon something of... This bleeding is particularly within the context of creative expression. Perhaps these (introductions) could be an (introduction) to a more comprehensive research, or research, but we are currently in the stage of defending our right to insanity.
This work consists of five independent children's stories, each of which is in a separate book. They are as follows: 1 The naughty monkey 2 The frightened rabbit 3 The birds and the snake 4 The falcon Fawaz 5 The adventurous elephant.
The idea of this work is to create new and unconventional stories, starting with the common introduction in each individual story, which respects the child’s mentality and which begins each story with (Our story, children, dear heroes, is a story from the world of imagination...), and ending with the story in terms of the idea, interesting events, and eloquent language. And the easy, appropriate and accurate word; Note that this work is not complete without illustrations of the events and characters of the story. I have added notes numbered on the pages to each of the five stories above to give the artist the desired impression for drawing the characters and events of the story, as the picture is no less than the word.
The goal of the stories supported by drawings: to attract the largest possible segment of children and parents as well to enjoy reading, and to preserve the book and reading in a generation in which technology is competing with the book, and also to address the subconscious mind of the child and broadcast good and beautiful values in the form of an entertaining story whose heroes are mostly animals. I have deliberately shed light on Some beautiful and rare animals as characters in stories to add more joy and benefit to the child.
Thank you for your generosity in reading this brief introduction.
هو الكتاب الثالث في سلسلة “شجون” لدكتور يوسف زيدان كنور يضيء ظلمات الجهل والخطل المعرفي فقط لمن أراد الى نور الفهم سبيلا. يطرح “شجون تراثية” مشكلتين إحداهما دينية والأخرى تدور حول تراثنا القديم. المعضلة الدينية تتمحور حول المسجد الأقصى والإسراء والمعراج التي طالما ذهب ضحية قضيتها المزعومة موتى كثر بالمجان وسيظل
قد تُفتح صناديق الذكرى بسبب درجة حرارة مُعينة، يستشعرها الجسد مع تغير فصول السنة، حين يطرق الشتاء الأبواب تبدأ أجسادنا بالبحث عن أولئك الذين يشعروننا بالدفء