We are a generation without farewell, says the German writer Wolfgang Borchert, summarizing the tragedy of his generation that was led into World War II without anyone saying goodbye to it. Perhaps Borchert is the voice most capable of expressing this generation, and that war that left massive material and spiritual devastation in Germany. It also left literary ruin.
Borchert left behind a collection of short stories that his fellow Nobel Prize winner for Literature, Heinrich Böll, describes as “complete masterpieces,” while Egyptian writer Ibrahim Aslan sees in his stories “a sublime expression of the ferocity of all wars without a single direct word.”
In this book, we present to the reader a selection of these stories, and what attracted us to them is the human approach to major topics, such as war and death, love and the feeling of loss, and the artistic expression of them.
An overview of the book The Road to Institutional Innovation
In a time when competition between commercial companies in various parts of the world has intensified and the speed of changes has increased dramatically as products are renewed very quickly, you will hardly buy a modern electronic device or a car until you hear of another product on the market that has more specifications or higher quality. To the point that many people have become an annual habit of changing their smartphones because the producing companies do not stop making changes and developments in the products. The matter is not limited to products only, as well as services. Every now and then we hear of a new service provided by organization X and another provided by organization Y, and so on. Until the customer sat at home and received all the products and services that came to his mind from all over the world. This acceleration emphasizes the necessity of institutions adopting innovation, whether it is innovation in products, services, or processes, in order to continue making profits and not declare their loss or bankruptcy. Innovation is what enables an organization to remain competitive and provide innovative new products and services that attract customers and achieve profits.
Many people use the word innovation on a daily basis, many managers demand innovation from their employees, and many new entrepreneurs aim to achieve innovation. But if you stop someone and ask him about innovation, its dimensions, and the factors affecting it, you will often get a simple answer that reflects a superficial understanding of innovation, or a wrong understanding of innovation and a lack of awareness of its various dimensions. In this book, we will gently navigate institutional innovation so that the reader can understand institutional innovation in a deep way that enables him to apply it, whether in the organization in which he works or in his own projects. This book combines scientific and literary style. Many parts of the book are based on scientific studies and numbers, and many stories and examples are used to illustrate different topics. The beginning of the book explains innovation and its importance to institutions and answers a key question: Why do we innovate? Then we move on to understanding the innovation process from its beginning to obtaining the final product, in addition to understanding the types of innovation and its motivations. After that, we move to a deep understanding of the main factors influencing innovation, which are leadership, change management, institutional resources, and the work environment. The book concludes by explaining the administrative and personal obstacles to innovation.
Author: Dr. Hassan Al Bishr
أدركت (نفرتيتي) أثناء صلاتها أن أمامها وأمام زوجها قرارات مصيرية وأن مستقبلها كملكة ومستقبل البلاد سيأخذ منعطفا اخر,منعطفا خيراً جداً,قد يجازف الزوجان المليكان بشعبيهما,قد يخسران حب الناس وكل شيء,قد ينقلب الناس عليهما فيكونان من الخاسرين !