Time and power...
An imaginative fantasy inspired by the imagination, and some may believe that it is a projection of reality, but it is not so, even though our reality does not differ in some parts from the novel.
The names and characters in the novel are borrowed, and do not mean a person, but they are similar in the distant and recent past, and the events of the novel take place in a time frame that exceeds 160 years, in which the hero of the novel is exposed to a lot of injustice from those who have power. In his youth and during his studies, an influential person took advantage of his kinship to implicate him. In a case, even if his status is restored under the law, this remains a formality, as they can harm you even after your death.
He was also subjected to injustice when the woman who made an unjust claim against him reached the governor and turned the scales of the claim in her favor, because everyone sought to please her because of her connection to the head of the pyramid of power.
As the world turns to new media and social media, injustice returns again to the protagonist because someone with power and influence does not like Falih’s proposal or does not like him, and perhaps to please someone higher than him because he knocked on a door or someone who concerns him.
Saleh Al Jasmi.....
Lesson from experience: In this life, a person goes through many experiences and is exposed to great challenges so that he can gain the necessary experience to become more mature and more able to adapt and accept, and then the ability to go through more experiences and overcome difficulties. The deeper he goes into this life and the more he goes through those experiences, the more his personality and reality are created, and the more The experiences varied between positive and negative, as they had a significant impact on his reality and future, not to mention that they made him more aware in dealing with life’s givens and requirements. A lesson from experience that reviews some aspects of life and their impact on a person’s reality and future in the form of articles that came spontaneously every day with the sunshine of every morning and were collected between the covers of this book to address the reader’s mind and touch his heart...
ينطوي هذا الكتاب، سهل التناول، على مفاتيح ثمينة تمكِّن القرَّاء من استكشاف حرٍّ لأكثر القضايا إلحاحاً في حياتهم. «واحد من أعظم مفكّري العصر». الدالاي لاما.