This book deals with 51 thoughts that touch the heart and soul, wander in love, and leave with much sadness and joy.
The book also contains, at the end of each thought, various quotations that show the point of view of philosophers and intellectuals on every matter we touched upon and in every whisper the book made to you.
It presents a number of feelings and sensations that will cross your imagination, your seven circles, and the borders of your senses to touch your longing and longing.
This writer does not call for anything except that you read, then close your eyes... and live your dreams.
How I Elevated my Consciousness: First of all, naming my book came easily to me. The first title that came to my mind was “Intellectual Development Using Technical Terminology,” but shortly before publishing the book I changed the title to one that is closer to my heart. I also did that because the purpose behind the book is to introduce the concept of self-improvement in a simplified way, using the working mechanism of technical terminology. You now might be wondering what self-improvement has to do with technical terminology? Thanks to the guidance of God Almighty, I succeeded in writing this book where I discuss the secrets of the mind and its working mechanism according to scientific research by experts in this field. I also explain some of the concepts related to self-improvement while linking them to simple technical terminology to allow the reader to elevate their level of awareness and yet giving them the free perception will to choose an individual approach that best suits them. My target audience is those who find it difficult to reach the maximum level of awareness when it comes to self-improvement. There is no shame in that, for I myself only came to understand that world a short while ago, after my mind connected to those mechanisms and inspired me to start writing once again to finally present you with my findings on this subject matter. My findings are backed by scientific research conducted by experts in the field of human psychology and my vast experience in the science of information technology. Hence, I resorted to writing this topic to simplify the related concepts and clarify how to connect the mechanism of the mind with technical terminology. Although the terminology is found in the science of information technology field is wide, for the purpose of this book, I have chosen a small number of terms to make it easier for the reader to understand their meaning and allow them to quickly connect them with the logic behind self-improvement.
عبر التاريخ شهدت العديد من الحركات الدينية وعلى رأسها جماعة الإخوان المسلمين، مثلها مثل الأحزاب السياسية المحافظة، تصاعداً وازدهاراً خلال فترات الأزمات التي تمر بها الدول والمناطق الجغرافية من حين إلى آخر
يُعدّ كتاب أم أبيها: سرد روائي لسيرة السيدة فاطمة الزهراء للكاتب محمد الدمرداش العقالي من أهم الكتب التي تتناول سيرة السيدة فاطمة الزهراء رضي الله عنها، ابنة