في هذا الكتاب قرر المؤلف أن يقول الحقيقة لتصل إلى القُراء وليس عادة كما يقال في كتب أخرى ، فيقول الحظ له تأثير كبير في نجاحنا ، الظروف تتحكم في مستوى سعادتنا ، ليس كل المتدينين سعداء ، السعادة من الممكن شراؤها بالمال
The book tells the story of seventeen-year-old John, who suffers from autism. His parents see the good in him, but the surrounding world only sees his faults.
John often made mistakes and always misunderstood things. He tries to fulfill the requests of the people around him to gain their satisfaction.
It is a tough period of development, bordering on isolation and difficulties at school.
John falls into the trap of his rivals and commits aggressive acts that lead him to decline.
But who bears John's fate?
Animal Friends is a poignant and transparent novel about isolation and vulnerability. Depicts the nostalgia and connections that can bind vulnerable people to each other.
The horizons of storytelling integrate like small overlapping circles, forming a tight narrative world.
تجمع رواية "ثمانون عاماً في انتظار الموت"، بين الإثارة والغموض، ونختبر فيها، مشاعر وانفعالات متباينة، . ذلك بعد أن تبدأ مباشرة وبلا مقدمات، فتقحمنا فورا في أحداثها ضمن مدينة الرياض، عارضة قصة "أحمد"، الذي يُعاني من خلل في هرمونات النمو، جعلته عالقاً في جسد شاب يافع لا تبدو عليه آثار السنين.
Bread lines
It is the hoarse voice coming from the poor neighborhoods filled with photographers and devoid of everything, the intermittent voice in forgotten hearts, and the smile absent from the features of good people, the bread lines, it is the voice of the woman who did not want to be what they wanted, the voice of the forgotten mother and the voice of the child.....in between. Its pages wrote (from life) everything that the world engraved on my wrist.