باعتباره نهجًا ثوريًا للتحفيز والتقدم الوظيفي، يمزج هذا الكتاب عناصر من مبادئ علم التحفيز وتصميم الألعاب والإدارة الذكية، ويظهر لك كيفية القيام بما يلي: إنشاء ثقافة تعزز التعاون والإبداع والإنتاج المذهل. ديناميكيات تحفيزية متغيرة تؤثر على سلوكيات وأداء أي فريق.
The shelter of absence is a place built of words. Everyone in it belongs to the world of his imagination, and lives in a state of obsessions and doubts. A scientist who surrenders to ambiguity and hieroglyphs and loves the mercury of impermanence and uncertainty. In this shelter, we do not know whether what we read are the preparations of the goddess of talisman, or if they are the same as the preparations of others. We do not know whether to believe her or to believe in the suffering writers who create themselves with the power of language and invent worlds and selves with words.
In “The Shelter of Absence,” we read about the wreckage of events and people, and about the brewing panic of perishing cities, in stories that belong to the imagination and the grotesque, as much as they derive from the devastation that occurs in reality as material for writing.
Critic Dr. Mohamed Al-Shahat believes that the narrative of “The Shelter of Absence” builds “on constructing an imaginative journey, with successive episodes, that questions the concepts of space, time, and human existence. In doing so, it searches for the essence of human communication beyond “language” in its common sense.”
Human comedy:
By “human comedy,” I mean what I understood while I was still young, crude, and inadequate, namely the absurdity and amusements of human beings. Rather, I go further than Aristotle did in his definition of the word comedy, where he said: (Comedy is what causes laughter, rather than the defect that does not cause pain). As for me, I mean by comedy here, it is immorality, farce, play, contempt, recklessness, confusion, and the chaos of humanity, and there is no laughter in it. For me, comedy does not inspire reverence like the comedy of the Greeks or Dante, and it does not call for laughter like the comedy of Aristotle. Rather, it is a funny, crying comedy because of its contradiction and absurdity, and to those who say that humanity has accomplished a lot, I say that even if there are any notable highlights, achievements, or progress, they are the results of random interactions, scrambles, and quarrels that are unplanned and unplanned, like a gambler who sometimes wins and often loses, but it is an ungrateful gain. Or he should be praised for it, but it did not come from thought or action. Rather, it is absurdity, experimentation, and play.
Al Wasl...stories from the history of Dubai: These stories are based on historical events that took place in Dubai, about the lives of fathers and grandfathers who lived on this land despite the scarcity of resources and difficult circumstances. They sacrificed their lives for it and defended every inch of it. They are stories about loyalty, belonging, good values, and stories and situations that happened to great personalities. We should imitate them and take them as role models over the years.